Feb 28, 2011


Lately more cases on HIT BY CAR .
I still dun get it .
Alasan : tak nampak kucing tu melintas .
Tak nampak anjing (puppy) kat tayar belakang bila reverse .
What The Hell ! !

p/s: not a real pic,takut my viewer x lalu makan karang . 

Anyway , 
Thanks to the vet ,
Even a broken leg for RABBIT can be saved . 
The animal survive ,
living in happiness ,
even though lost it's precious leg .

Thanks Global Pets!

Feb 8, 2011

so Lo...

These three words....
Hurts the most...
The reason I alive and alone...
Do I care?
Because without LOVE,
I would not be here...
I wouldn't achieve the highest dream..
The highest fate...

I do LIKE you...
just I don't know if
I LOVE you...

But I promise the truth..
That I'll LOVE..
The way I Lie.....

p/s: saat menanti malam menjelang pagi,
kerinduan terhadap kehidupan dulu...